Professional development for faculty has been identified as a top priority for the College. After years of research, experimentation, and positive results, groups of faculty working on student success initiatives across the curriculum and in all modalities of instruction have come to the same conclusion: student success is rooted in Active & Collaborative Learning (ACL) environments where students gather knowledge from both their instructors and fellow learners. To this end, the Faculty Professional Development Initiative (FPDi) was formed, led by Faculty Fellows Reuel Barksdale, Lydia Gilmore, Elizabeth Hammond, Heather Less, and Elycia Taylor and by Track Faculty Ann Palazzo, Jane Roberts, and Mark Bocija and Dean of Digital Education & Instructional Services, Dr. Tom Erney.
Business Programs
Business Programs
Assistant Professor,
Psychology & Education
Assistant Professor,
Assistant Professor,
Languages & Communication
Allied Health
Digital Education & Instructional Services
This initiative focuses on exploring, implementing, and evaluating the principles and practices of ACL and concentrates on four major areas of instruction: Critical Thinking, Student Success in Higher Ed, Leveraging Teaching with Technology, and Alternative Assessment. The initiative is housed in the Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation (CT Building, 339 Cleveland Ave).
To see a list of our current workshops and learn how to register, go to the FPDi Workshops page.
To see a list of all workshops that have been offered, go to the FPDi Workshops Offered page.
The most comprehensive research on teaching and learning tells us that students learn best in active and collaborative learning environments. The faculty professional development initiative team, run by faculty is working collaboratively with all other faculty to learn and explore active and collaborative learning to best help our students be as successful as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact the Faculty Professional Development team (FPDi) at
New Full-time Faculty Orientation is held the Thursday before autumn semester and the Friday before spring semester each academic year. New faculty members in each semester’s cohort will receive an email invitation to the full day event from the orientation coordinators in the weeks prior to the start of the term. This invitation will include the agenda and location of that term’s orientation and will be sent to your Columbus State email (see below).
A separate HR orientation will also be held in the weeks prior to the start of each semester. This date will be communicated to you along with your initial paperwork.
In addition to the full day orientation, all new tenure track and annually contracted faculty will be invited to attend five to six onboarding workshops throughout their first semester as a full time faculty member. These workshops are designed to help new faculty build connections and to foster community across the disciplines. They focus on a wide variety of topics related to teaching and learning at Columbus State. Some of the workshops offered include: Active and Collaborative Learning; Using Technology in the Classroom; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Promotion and Tenure.
After your employment requirements and documents have been met and received, you will be assigned an employee ID and username. Your system hire date will be the day these credentials are issued. Once your credentials are issued, you will be added to the adjunct orientation in the College's learning management system (LMS) Blackboard. This orientation can be found in your Organizations area in Blackboard titled *FPDi Adjunct Community (FPDI-ADJUNCT-ORG). This online orientation covers the basic requirements and practices for teaching at Columbus State. This link provides quick start tutorial videos on Blackboard:
After your employment requirements and documents have been met and received you will be assigned an employee ID and username. Your Cougar (employee) ID number and computer systems username will be emailed to you at the personal email address you listed on your hire forms. (You may need to check your spam folder.) Alternatively, you can use the College's password recovery/discovery system ( For help obtaining your password, please call the IT Help Desk at 287-5050.
You can access College email by going to and logging in with your username and password.